- 02 9982 1039
info@optimeyes.com.au -
Mon-Fri: 9am – 5:30pm
After Hours: By Appt -
Suite 2, Building 6
Forest Central Business Park
49 Frenchs Forest Road East
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Behavioural Optometrist in Sydney, AU
Behavioural Optometry provides vision care focussed upon guiding visual development, ensuring visual stamina, preventing visual dysfunction and providing visual rehabilitation so we may use vision to engage in in our environment to the best of our capability.
Optometrists who provide behavioural vision care are licensed professionals, focused on prevention and treatment of vision problems, and how vision impacts human behaviour and performance.
At OptimEyes, we are dedicated to helping people of every age group achieve their visual potential. We ensure that we evaluate more than just the health and quality of your eyesight to provide a prescription. Visual skills, visual development and the efficiency of how you use your vision is also evaluated, and we offer treatment options to target any visual problem or visual inefficiencies.
more about usBehavioural Vision Care
Behavioural vision is based on a philosophy of providing care and treatment to ensure that the entire visual process is functioning well. In addition to eye health and eye sight, emphasis is placed on functional visual skills. These include visual abilities that relate to how we use our vision to guide and direct our movements during every day tasks, as well as how we interpret the environment around us. Skills such as smooth eye movements, efficient focussing control and how well the eyes team together to provide a clear, single and stable view of the world are all important. The tools used to provide this treatment include lenses, prism, filters, tints and Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation.
Vision Therapy and Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation
Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation (Vision therapy) is prescribed by the Behavioural Optometrist based on the findings of your evaluation and history. The patient may work with the Optometrist or a Vision Therapist during their program. The therapy usually involves weekly practice, visits and daily home practice. To be successful, therapy must be done regularly and frequently. The activities are designed to be fun but have challenge. As the patient works through the activities, they will learn to better control their eyes and have an improved understanding of what they are seeing and reading. The purpose of therapy is to build skills in order for the patient to use their vision with efficiency and minimal effort and in so doing improve their confidence, performance in school, at home, on the sports field and at work. For patients who have sustained a concussion or brain injury, a guided programme can assist them in Returning to work (RTW) or School (RTS), by improving their neuro visual integration and eliminating some of the symptoms such as poor eye movements and focussing, which accompany the brain injury and cause disruption to daily life.